Thursday, August 8, 2024


It’s the time of year
It’s lack of sunshine 
It’s lack of energy
It’s too much pain 
Too much to do but not being able too 

It’s oh so many things. 
Mainly it’s just knowing that my best and healthiest years are behind me 
And I have to accept this is who I am now 

And I will just not today 


  1. Oh, Angela! I feel for you. Winter is so hard, too.

  2. Winter sucks, but at least you are heading towards Spring, which is something to look forward to. Here, in the North of England, our Swifts have departed for Africa, which signals that Summer will soon be on its way out. I always feel down when they go. As a 60 year old woman I totally agree that getting old sucks too but, as my Mum used to say, "It's better than the alternative!"

  3. Darn, the cold is really getting to you. As my sister in law says, wouldn't it be great if Poros was an island in the Pacific. I'd do a winter/summer swap with you. You're welcome to the heat.
    Knowing how much you have to do is a bummer too when you can't get up and about and do those jobs!
    Keep crocheting and knitting on!!

  4. Shorter days are no fun. In November it will be dark by 4 in the afternoon.
