Sunday, September 15, 2024

Plants, and socks

My Daphne, I think? It smells lovely. I wish you could smell it 

Gardenia. Again I think    First time flowering 

The first of the irises beautiful purple 

Oregano coming back 


And our backyard. Always look great after hubby mows 

Thursday I was not in a good place. Fibro fog was bad. 
I tried to cast on six times. But I couldn’t get the knitting to join in the round. I just couldn’t think

I gave up. The fog, tinnitus and vertigo became overwhelming 

Friday Ana didn’t the day with her mummy. And it was perfect timing. I was so tired after that bad day 

By Saturday I was ok again. And I realised what I was doing wrong 

The sock joined and I was ably to knit up another pair for me 

I’ve not been that bad for a long time. I don’t know  why I had that bad day. But I just rested and I’m ok now 

I hope it’s a very long time before I have one of those days again 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Routine day

Today included a trip to the supermarket 
Normal house work 
And a visit from the groomer for the dogs. 

In between all that I worked on my new project 

While organising the craft room I found my book and yarn I had taken out to knit hubby some socks 

But I decided to knit the jumper instead. 

Fast forward after two jumpers, plus that first disaster. I decided I was going to knit myself a pair 

Started last night and worked on it today. 
I love how quick they work up. 
Once I’ve knitted the two socks at the same time I’ll separate them and finish them off knitting the heal and toes 

I’ll definitely take pics to show you the progress 

Weather today was lovely so I had all  doors and windows open to let the warm breeze through the house. 
It nice after being closed up all winter   

Monday, September 9, 2024


Sparkling Merlot suggest I do some sewing yesterday 
I remembered I had a quilt pinned and waiting to be quilted. 

I had been putting it off as “fighting” with it to keep it from moving while sewing always makes my Back ache 

It took a while but I did sew it together. Then I had to take all the safety pins out 

I had made the backing from pieces of wool blankets. You can buy them from the mill 

all done. 
another thing ticked off the list 

I have no idea what to try next. 
I’m finishing off the washing and general cleaning. That may be it for the rest of the day 

I might find something while cleaning the craft room 
Inspiration might hit me 

You never know 

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Today is hubbys 63rd birthday. 
I really wanted to finish his jumper for today 

He loves it. 
I knitted as fast as I could but, i still had to work on it today. 

It’s done now. My shoulder is hurting so no yarn craft for now. 

Which is fine.  I have no idea what I want to tackle next 

Any ideas? 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Progress report

One sleeve done. One to go 
The way this weather is going I’m sure it will get some wear before the heat of summer finally arrives 

The ants are moving to higher ground so I think lots of rain is coming.
So washing has been hung inside on the clothes horses. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tulips and other news

The spring tulips are bursting up out of the earth, where they slumbered over winter 

The purple were only planted this year 

You can just see the red emerging from within the daffodils 

And the ever faithful 
Nasturtium are growing back to add colour after the grey days 

The wild winds have demolished our composting toilet at the farm. We need to rethink what we are going to do 

Luckily we only lost power for a few hours. 
There are still thousands of homes without it 

It’s windy today but no where near the gale we had a few days ago 

Fingers crossed we don’t get anymore 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Big girls day

Mum and dad had a funeral to go to today. As I don’t have the correct cars seats I couldn’t pick up the girls from school so they came here for the day 

Trixie with Brianna 

Melody watching a movie we had playing 

And both girls with trixie 

Mum and dad picked the girls up and not long after we heard an almighty clap of thunder. 

Rain and hail this time. Just for something different 

It was so much it looked like snow I may lose those blossoms yet 

Power is out all over due to trees coming down 
So far we haven’t been affected 

And apparently it’s not over yet 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day. 
We don’t make a fuss. It’s just another day here. We see our son five days a week and my daughter is coming tomorrow so we are not expecting anyone today 

The weather is still very unpredictable. With all those gale force winds I thought all me blossoms would of been blown away 

Not so. 
The first roses of the year 

Pretty sure this is a peach 

The plums 

Look at this one. An over achiever 

Hubby mowing before the rains come again 

I’ve stripped the bed and hung the sheets under cover and I’ll continue to work on the second jumper 

The sleeves are a little fiddle for the first half dozen rows. But then are easy to manage 

The way things are currently he will get lots of wear from this before summer arrives 

To all the fathers and father figures. Enjoy your day