Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Routine day

Today included a trip to the supermarket 
Normal house work 
And a visit from the groomer for the dogs. 

In between all that I worked on my new project 

While organising the craft room I found my book and yarn I had taken out to knit hubby some socks 

But I decided to knit the jumper instead. 

Fast forward after two jumpers, plus that first disaster. I decided I was going to knit myself a pair 

Started last night and worked on it today. 
I love how quick they work up. 
Once I’ve knitted the two socks at the same time I’ll separate them and finish them off knitting the heal and toes 

I’ll definitely take pics to show you the progress 

Weather today was lovely so I had all  doors and windows open to let the warm breeze through the house. 
It nice after being closed up all winter   


  1. See? We all knew you would find something.

    1. There’s always something to do. I’ll never get bored

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. The self stripping yarn makes me look extra clever

  3. I used that book last year, then simplified the process for another pair, the ones you saw in my visible darning post recently. It was a fun experiment.

    1. I remember. Seeing it on your blog inspired me to buy the book and try it myself

  4. We're about six month a part. Just starting watch the leaves turn color.

    1. Yes. We are always the opposite to you in the north.
