Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Day two

Trixie slept well last night   Me not so much 
I was conscious of where she was all night 

Her pain meds were wearing off by the morning so after her breakfast we gave her all her meds 

She is now sleeping on my legs and keeping warm. 
I’m so very glad I kept her soft collar. She can lift her head and sleep comfortably with it on. 

We will have a calm and easy day. I hope 


  1. You're a great vet nurse! I hope you get some rest along with her.

  2. I'm glad Trixie is doing well. Yay for pain meds!

  3. You're the best Mum ever!! Hope Trixie has an easy day and you get some sleep. All the best

  4. Nice to know she is not restless and hope she will bounce back soon.
