Friday, September 20, 2024

Fun day

I’ve been feeling down and worried not only for  Trixie  but Teddy as well. I think he is going deaf in his old age  normally I call his name and he comes running. 
But today I had to walk around the back to find him. 
He heard me once I was close 

So having Ana today gave me joy and happiness 

We made cupcakes. Red velvet 
Ana is placing the paper patty pans 

The she helped me fold some washing 

Cheese and crackers for mid morning snack 

Then once cupcakes were cooled we added chocolate frosting 

Enjoying the fruits of our labour 

After all that a nap on the couch was just what was needed 

Both of them sleeping 

It was a very busy day 


  1. What great times you give Ana! Busy girl.

  2. You've got a good little helper there! And lots of fun for her. Still being positive for Trixie

  3. Hasn't she grown fast! And icing cupcakes - great skills development going on there. When does Trixie get her op?

    1. Monday morning. I hope they don’t take too long analysing they lump and we get an answer quickly

  4. Awww! So cute and helpful too.
