Sunday, September 15, 2024

Plants, and socks

My Daphne, I think? It smells lovely. I wish you could smell it 

Gardenia. Again I think    First time flowering 

The first of the irises beautiful purple 

Oregano coming back 


And our backyard. Always look great after hubby mows 

Thursday I was not in a good place. Fibro fog was bad. 
I tried to cast on six times. But I couldn’t get the knitting to join in the round. I just couldn’t think

I gave up. The fog, tinnitus and vertigo became overwhelming 

Friday Ana didn’t the day with her mummy. And it was perfect timing. I was so tired after that bad day 

By Saturday I was ok again. And I realised what I was doing wrong 

The sock joined and I was ably to knit up another pair for me 

I’ve not been that bad for a long time. I don’t know  why I had that bad day. But I just rested and I’m ok now 

I hope it’s a very long time before I have one of those days again 


  1. Sorry to you were so bad. That brain fog must be stressful . I'm glad it cleared and you worked out the problem. You're a sox whizz!
    I love the smell of Daphne and jasmine. Just lovely
