Friday, September 27, 2024

Trixie update

Today is day four after the operation and Trixie is finally starting to act more like herself 
She has been very down and wanting to be with me all the time. She would move from one spot to 
Another trying to find one which helped her. And always ended up being with me. 

She would climb up and sit on my shoulders or around the back with her end next to mine 
Watching what I was doing. 

By Wednesday we decided to not give her any more pain medication as we noticed she would get that 
Way after having some. It’s like she was feeling high or something. She has been much better since. 
She even started playing with her toys 

She had a follow up appointment with the vet yesterday and she is healing nicely 

It’s been rough on her and on us as we just couldn’t really do much but hold her and give her comfort 

The only time now that I have to really keep an eye on her is when she goes outside to toilet. 
If she and teddy start playing she might rip out her stitches. So we have to keep them apart. 

Nobody is happy about that. I’m sure it will only be for another week or so now and she’ll be able to go out and play all
She wants. 

The only worry now is what the biopsy will show 
I’ll keep you in the loop 


  1. Let's hope for a good result. I wonder if the pain meds made her feel drowsy and weird.

    1. I’m sure it did. She’s much happier now without it.

  2. Glad to hear that Trixie is definitely on the mend!

  3. Good you figured out the painkillers might have been zonking her out. At least she is apparently not in need of them now and good to hear her personality is perking up again.

  4. Good to hear your report. I hope the next report is great too
