Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Vet visit

Today we went to the vet. To have our shots, and a check over. 
We found a small lump in trixies back and wanted it seen too 

A biopsy was taken but the results were not clear. So she has been 
Booked in for a lumpectomy on Monday. 

We are now very worried to say the least. 
The vet was concerned but was careful with her words. 
They will try to take as much of the area around the lump 
They think is needed to make sure if it’s something sinister 
That they get it all. 

So for the next week  or so. We will be stressed with worry until we find the answers 

Please send good vibes that we get a good answer 


  1. Oh that's bad news for your dear Trixie and you. Hoping it can be dealt with without too much difficulty and discomfort. Heaps of good vibes going your way

  2. I hope it goes well. Waiting is hard.

  3. I had a friend who had a beloved poodle. Apparently poodles are very susceptible to getting benign lumps, her vet said. I hope that's the case here and nothing more serious. Good vibes for Trixie!

  4. Let's hope that in the end it's just a fatty lump. Sending lots of love for Trixie.

  5. As others have said, fingers crossed for a fatty lump. At least it is on the outside and can be more easily removed and monitored.
