Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A glimpse of things to come

Beautiful blue sky today. And no rain 
So I thought I’d wander around the garden and see what’s happening 

A few roses are blooming although the plants are still bare 

Lots of little flowers are starting to open I’ve forgotten what they all are but they are very pretty and gladden the heart after the dreary winter days 

Pretty sure these are daisies 
Doesn’t really matter they are a welcome splash of colour 

The lavender smell lovely and the bees love it 

The baby plants we put in last year are thriving, unfortunately so are the weeds. Way too wet to tackle them right now.  But a must do job as soon as it drys out. 

A native I bought on special. Lots of buds waiting to burst open. Some have and they are the cutest little flowers 

So that was just some of what’s blooming right now. As the days warm up more will spring to life 

A garden is a promise. A hope of better days. And we all need that right now 

Stay safe and well.
See ya xx


  1. Great day today....still a little chilly this morning.....but oh the sunshine was good. We might even get 17° in a couple of days time :)
    Do fret about the should see my lot....backs been playing up so it’ll be slowly slowly dig them out and bung on the mulch straight try and stop the buggers coming back again:)

    1. That should be....don’t fret

    2. Hopefully once it dries out hubby and I can get it under control in a day and yes we will mulch straight away Lockdown has had a detrimental affect on my back as well.

  2. Fab. So much promise in your garden already. Early lavender, and I love love love the colour of your nasturtiums. You don't by any chance have a variety name for them do you?

  3. Looks to be much better weather there for you Angela. The bees are going to love those flowers of yours. So much prettiness unfolding for spring.


    1. We are going to need a few weeks of no rain to dry everything up
      Hopefully this is just the beginning of the Nice weather

  4. So much colour in your garden. Spring is certainly in the air. Must make you happy to see all those buds and blooms

    1. It’s wonderful after all the gloomy winter days
