Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Washing day

The mornings are cold but the days  are sunny 
I decided I needed to get some  washing done 

Fresh sheets on the bed 
Hubbys clothes are hung up under the back veranda 
Towels are on a clothes horse in here and my clothes are hanging on another clothes horse in my craft room 

I don’t have a dryer so this is how I dry clothes in the winter  

I’ve lit the fire as the evenings are getting cold 
The days are definitely shorter 

And this will help things dry quickly 

I needed a break from the knitting it’s hurting my shoulder so I decided to add to this blanket. I used up all my pink scraps making it ages ago. 
I only stopped because I ran out of pinks 

I now have more odd balls so it’s growing once again 

Only problem is someone keeps wanting to sleep on it 
She’s a cute pest. Don’t you think? 


  1. Oh boy, that's a lot of washing to get dry on a winters day. A bit different from mid summer lol I hang my summer washing under the balcony roof to keep the sun of it.
    Trixie knows how to enjoy life and be cosy!

  2. Well it IS a blanket.....
    I don't have a dryer either...a dehumidifier is a great help

  3. I don't have a place to dry clothes outside, but I'd like to.

  4. No drier here either and clothes all over the place in winter too. I love the combo of pinks and fawn in you blanket - compliments Trixie's colour well.

  5. Trixie knows a good thing when she sees it.

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