Thursday, May 30, 2024

Just keep knitting

This is the jumper I’m making for hubby 
It’s a top down one and the first adult sized I’ve ever made 
I used the neck off one pattern. Then just continued on with the video tutorial I found 

This one. I didn’t do the shaping of the neck as the other collar said if you wanted it 
To be warm I could skip that bit 

It’s huge and it’s heavy and it’s very very warm 

Hubby is at the farm today as the concrete is being done in the shed 
I declined he’s off to come too. He left at five to be there by eight 
As that’s when the workmen said they would arrive 

I chose to sleep a few more hours lol 

I’ll definitely show you progress shots of the jumper and the farm shed when they happen 
In the meantime. I’ll just keep knitting, just keep knitting la La La La La lol 


  1. We'll change you name to Dory (just keep swimming). There is certainly a lot of knitting and a lot of weight in doing seamless garments, but I have to say I much prefer that to sewing up parts of jumpers.

    1. That’s what I was thinking as I kept saying to myself. Just keep knitting, swimming lol I don’t like sewing either so that’s why I decided to knit this one.

  2. The last jumper I made for myself was really heavy too. Really too heavy for this climate. It will keep hubby warm.
    Ive never made a top down. I sew up pieces and have great difficulty in lining bits up. I love knitting stripes because the work seems to go faster. I like your colour combo. An awesome jumper/sweater/jersey lol

    1. I’m just using up what I have It’s looking really big so I’m hoping it’s not too big. Or I’ll have to rip it out and do it again

  3. Looks like it will be great for winter!

  4. That's a big sweater! He'll love it on cold days outside.

  5. Where did my comment go? Spam? This is happening a lot. Sigh
