Thursday, April 9, 2020


It’s that time of year. The big clean before the winter
This morning I moved everything from under the front veranda 

Leaving me the room to clean the windows walls and floors 
I tried doing under the veranda but it wasn’t happening 
Those spider webs are stubborn little mothers. So I’ll have to get hubby to set up the pressure washer anther day 

But for now. I cleaned what I could, including everything out in the sun and moved it all back 
Now I can see clearly out my windows 
For a little while anyway 

How’s your life going in iso? 
Stay safe and healthy 
See ya xx


  1. You've done a good job. Our weather has been rotten and I haven't even done much inside. A lot of reading and knitting instead.
    Sun is out today and I feel slightly more motivated.
    Keep up the good work

    1. So different today
      I had a nana nap in front of the fire lol
