Sunday, May 6, 2018


Good morning all. I’m posting from a hospital Bed
Didn’t expect that. 
No. No baby news. I’m in the hospital because I had to se one of these last night 

Remember the drama of obtaining them. Well thank god my pharmacist friend get them. 
I only used one. The hospital is ten minutes away from home. But I’ve been here since around 1.30 am 
It’s now 9.30am and they are still monitoring me 

Hopefully they can let me go soon 
I’m ok. It was a scary waking up with swollen face throat and mouth. 
I couldn’t swallow any meds. So woke hubby to take me to emergency and gave myself the shot. 

Good news. It worked. 
And I did it myself 

Let’s hope it’s a long time until I have to do that 
See ya xxx 

1 comment:

  1. Scary! Glad the meds worked and you're close to a hospital. Speedy recovery. Perastika!
