Wednesday, November 2, 2022

One thing leads to another

In the craft room I have lots of WIP’s 
( works in progress) 

After making the patchwork top for the baby quilt I used the cut offs to make 10 inch squares to use as bowl cosies 

I need to cut up wadding for each piece but didn’t want to cut into my big piece if I didn’t have to 

So I finally trimmed up that scrappy quilt. 
Yes that’s still a WIP 

So now I’m unpicking the stitches to separate the wadding 

I may have to join up a few pieces to be able to make up the 10 inch squares 

This is why it takes so long to finish 
Things have to wait until I do that other thing 
Or stuff gets put aside for an urgent craft items that’s needed by a specific date 

It’s doesn’t really matter 
It all gets done when it’s done
But seriously even when I’m busy I can sometimes feel like I’ve achieved very little 

More rain and cold
I might have to migrate to warmer climates at this rate 


  1. Now here in the northern US it's November and in the 70sf. Haven't had any heating on yet. We seem to have exchanged climates.

    1. It almost feels like time has stood still and we are all stuck in that moment. Hopefully the wheel turns again soon

  2. You are very patient to unpick all that work.
    Please let this be the last cold snap!

    1. It’s just the very edge of the quilting where I trimmed the Ends to make straight edges. So it’s not heaps of unpicking I’ve actually made nine 10 inch squares and attached them to the patchwork squares

  3. It look so cozy and warm.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


  4. I’m trying to keep my UFOs to a minimum at the moment- been there done that and I get overwhelmed by it all.
    Needles, wool - book and blanket have been my companions…..again today. Sunny morning then it deteriorated into cold grey skies. Seemingly (according to something I read today) the rain will stop and things will warm up in - February!

    1. It’s really throwing everything out. Hopefully summer loads earlier than that

  5. Your scrappy blanket is marvellous. Your hands were made for crafting ☺️
    Hope to goodness Cathy is joking about February!!

    1. I did hear the weather will continue into next year.
      It wouldn’t surprise me. It’s just very disheartening
