Thursday, August 24, 2023

Feeling better

This morning I woke up and actually had a voice. 
Glands are almost gone and I felt much much better. 

After doing a quick tidying up of the house, 
Folded all the washing that was hanging all over the and picked up trixies toys 
The house was ready for the cleaner. 

So I spent the time she was here in the sewing room. 
I pulled out this piece of wool material 

And this bib and brace dress 

And made this skirt for me. 
Front view 

Back view. 
I would of liked a black band.  But I used what I had. 
The only thing I have to buy is elastic 
I’d definitely wear this.  It’s nice and warm 
I can see me walking all over the farm with tights and a baggy jumper on with my wellies 

And I remembered to soak my beans. So here’s my non traditional Greek bean soup 

I’ve used leek from the garden instead of onions
Some silverbeet, kale and of course zucchini from the garden. 
I’ve so much frozen it goes in everything!

Now resting with my crochet and watching more great British sewing bee episodes 
I’m a tad tired 


  1. Ha, ha. Non traditional Greek bean soup? What would Kyrios Portokalos say about that?? Looking forward by the way to see the next 'Big Fat Greek Wedding'.
    Love your skirt. Good job. With tights and a baggy jumper it will be perfect. Ftoo ftoo ftoo

    1. Lol I know it wouldn’t go down well by traditionalists But it does taste good

  2. You’ll look like a real rural country wife in that get up. Selfies definitely required!

    1. I can’t do selfies. My arms are too short lol

  3. I love your skirt! Great up cycling.

    1. Thank you. It’s definitely going to be warm

  4. Replies
    1. I think it’s just a thing nice people do. I used to clean houses and I know how frustrating it is to have to spend fifteen minutes picking stuff up before you even start to clean. Throws your whole schedule off

  5. You are certainly getting into the spirit of the farm.

    1. I can dress in the most weird and wonderful ways and no one will see me lol
