Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Back to normal

This morning I made it to the pool and swam for an hour. It was good to get back in the water. 

After coffee at our favourite cafe a quick shop and back home 

Shopping put away 
Laundry done. 
And other odd and bobs done. 

Now sitting and making dishcloths 
My stash is dwindling and I need more. 

No rain today. 
A nice breeze 
Cloudy skies but with bursts of sunshine 

Hope where you are you are having nice weather 


  1. What yarn are you using for the dishcloths?

    1. Bendigo wool mill cotton and some other cotton I have. They’re 4ply so I use two strands

  2. Do you actually use the dishcloths? They always seem such a strange thing to me

    1. Oh yes I use them to wipe up all around the kitchen
      Especially great for wiping around the sink area. Then when they get too old for that. They go into the cleaning cloths basket. And when they’re too old for that. They go into the compost bin. They last around a year. I do tend to wash them frequently. They just go into the washing machine

  3. We always used to use cotyon 'mutton cloth'. Have never seen if here and use (much to my shame) microfibre cloths, so maybe I should raid the yarn bins at the charity shop and knit some of these and improve my green credentials.

  4. I use 100% cotton and that’s why I end up putting the remnants in the compost bin.
    They’re really absorbing and they don’t leave fluff everywhere. I love them
