Thursday, January 4, 2024

The week continues

Started the day with a  catch up with the maestros for morning tea. 
It was nice to to sit and chat. The fruit cake was pretty good too 

Yesterday I finished the big blanket. FINALLY 
It’s huge and it will definitely keep anyone using it very very warm 

Once I had finished I started a new project. A new hexi cardigan for me. 
I don’t know if I have enough of the yarn to finish it. So I’ve ordered more on line 
It’s from hobbii in Denmark. I love it. It’s so soft

I’m going to have a rest day today. 
I’ll keep working on the cardigan until I run out of yarn
And then I might start something else while waiting for the order to arrive 

It’s cooler today and less humid. 
Which is just lovely I say 


  1. How industrious you are. What's a hexi cardigan? Crocheted hexis joined?

    1. You crochet a granny hexi and from there you make a cardigan. Search Pinterest or you tube and have a look

  2. Your blanket is lovely. What a lot of work! That really was a huge project. Well done.
    I've seen those hexi cardigans all over the net. I'll be interested to see yours finished

  3. I had to go and look up hexi cardigan - seems I have made one (knitted) without realizing it was hexagonal. I thought of it as a bunch of triangles (twice over, joined in the middle of the back and down the shoulders and top of arms). I think the crocheted ones look so much more attractive but choice of colour might have a lot to do with that. Your colours are fabulous.
