Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Thank you

Thank you for your lovely comments. I’m feeling much better now I’ve rested today. 
I’ve pretty much just knitted and watched the Netflix series 
Boy swallows universe 

It’s very well written and extremely well acted. 
I give it a thumbs up 

Hubby came home and harvested from the garden 

Three big bags of tomatoes for the freezer. They’ll be used in cooking over winter 

Ten ears of corn. Ready for the freezer 

One of our neighbours gave us some fresh fish yesterday so the produce in the bowl is for them 

It’s nice to share the bounty 

Again thank you for your lovely comments they really did brighten my day 


  1. Lovely to hear you're better. You'll really enjoy that fresh fish!! And that fresh corn!! For me it's the taste of summer

  2. Good to hear that you are feeling better and that knitting has grown!
    As is your garden... lovely to see the produce. My garden is just sitting there sodden with yet another storm 😕

  3. I made some pasta sauce with those types of tomatoes last year when we had a glut of tomatoes. it was good.
