Saturday, January 6, 2024

Mid summer garden

Although mid summer has come and gone. The weather just wasn’t playing the game. It starting to finally warm up now and the garden is reflecting that. 

Everything is lush and green. It’s been a bonus that I have hardly had to water 

We have been harvesting zucchini. Beans. Zucchini. Button squash. Zucchini. Silver beets. Zucchini. Beetroot 
And cucumbers. 

Did I mention the zucchini lol 

There lots of baby green tomatoes. 
I planted small varieties so they should start to ripen now and the fruit flies don’t bother them 

Won’t be long until we can harvest the corn 
And we are getting lots of yummy strawberries 

The flowers and herbs are attracting lots of bees and other beneficial insects into my garden. Which had kept the bad bugs under control 

Ive come inside now as it’s starting to get rather warm out there 
Everything has had a good drink so it should be ok for a while. 
They’re predicting rain. But lately it’s been missing us. 
We will just have to wait and see 


  1. I have held off watering due to forecast rain that never arrived. And then gave everything a good watering only to have it bucket down. I give up!
    Your garden looks glorious

    1. Gotta love where we live lol happens to me all the time

  2. That's an extensive and well-organized garden!

    1. Thank you. We have made it very user friendly for us oldies and our sore bodies

  3. You have a wonderful lush garden. Well laid out and every plant at a good height. Enjoy the harvesting

    1. Thank you. The hardest part is working our where everything will go every year. I like to rotate the crops around
