Friday, January 19, 2024


Today was Ana day. But it wasn’t a normal day. 

Ana and I started doing some craft and while we were busy my wonderful son in law arrived with the girls. 

He helped me with the cutting, I don’t have children’s scissors  and the girls pasted. 

When that was over they headed off into the play room
Brianna and Ana pretended to wash their hands before pretend cooking 

They soon came back and were building towers 

They all took turns throwing the bean bags into the hole in the board. Grandpa was crowd control 

We had second breakfast of toast and water 
Hide and seek was played 
More food was had 
And lots of little girls laughter 

After the big girls left. Ana had a sleep 
And woke up in time for lunch and then daddy and grandpa came home. 

Daddy took grandma and Ana to but more chickens 

That’s another post 

Here Ana is patting them before they were taken and added to the flock 

One brown chicken has been added and Pendles was straight over to check her out. 
Three were added as adding one usually gets picked in and not accepted. So adding three at once makes it much easier for all of them 

All have gone home
I’m slowly getting the house back in order 
And I’m very very happy. 

It’s lovely knowing all the girls get on and play well. 
All girls treat this place just like their home and that they feel so comfortable here. 

Yes I’m feeling very very blessed indeed 


  1. Cousins playing at grandparents' house is golden.
    Chooks! Yay

  2. Isn't it marvellous that the kids play together so well. Grandma's home is a fun place for sure. Makes me happy to see all the grandkids together. I can imagine how you feel

  3. I smiled when you said you made a second breakfast. Our youngest Grandson is in daycare and although he has breakfast at home before he goes to daycare; he always has a second breakfast at daycare when he gets there. He's a smashing eater at daycare, not so much at home.

  4. I love the girls washing their hands before cooking! All the playing pictures are so great, tells us about them.

  5. Lovely to see them playing. I wish that I'd got to know my cousin's like that.
    And Hi🙂
