Friday, January 12, 2024

Girlie day

Ana arrived for her day with grandma and spotted her new toy straight away. It’s a board with a hole in it that you throw little bags aiming for the hole 

We had lots of fun and laughed lots. 

We visited the shed and did some chalk drawings on the concrete 

By this time it was starting to get very warm outside so back inside for cuddles with grandma on the couch. 

Then it was off to bed for a sleep 

Once sleep time was over. Grandpa had arrived and he had to have a few games of tossing the beanbags through the hole. 

Ana always checks to see what colour grandma’s fingernails are   

I decided that she was old enough to sit and have her own nails done 

I have a children’s nail polish kit. It drys quickly and orals off very easily. 

We had fun picking the colours. 
Yellow for the toes 
Purple for the fingers. 

Once dried it was time to shoot off to grandpa and daddy 

They have gone home now and grandma is contemplating having a soak in the bathtub 

It’s still very warm outside but thankfully it’s lovely in here. 

It’s been a full week. I’m ready for a rest now 


  1. Love the purple - not so sure about the yellow!🤔😳

    1. Yes yellow isn’t my favourite either. But I’m just the manicurist. The customer is always correct lol

  2. Apparently, the cornhole toss game is the new "hot" game to play, according to an article I saw recently. Have fun!

    1. When my kids were little I couldn’t afford to buy games so I made a similar one up I had a bowl and I made little bean bags. It was just as much fun

  3. She's clearly very pleased with her mani pedi!

    1. She walked around for ages holding her hands so as to not ruin the new look

  4. Ana has so much fun with you! The bag game is terrific . Sort of thing I would have played with my grandkids. Love the nail polish. Lucky Ana having a 'withit' Yiayia.

    1. Three granddaughters. I have to have the glitz and glamor

  5. As a mother of three boys I am finding the girliness a change and a bit of a challenge. No, Granny can't put your hair in a bun. She doesn't know how!!

    1. Lol watch a couple of YouTubes. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it
      The best is when they want to brush your hair. Keeps them occupied for ages and it’s lovely being pampered

  6. girls are always fun doing the mani/pedi thing. I was thinking about painting miniature birdhouses when they come up next. Something different. I would like to get one of those cornhole games for the grands, they would enjoy it.
