Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday report

This morning I had  an ouchie massage. It was very ouchie and I was stiff and sore when I got home. 

I decided I didn’t want to just sit and feel the pain.  I got into the kitchen and started cooking up a storm 

The nice neighbour who gives us his home brew also makes his own sausages 

He gave us some of the sausage mince he made 

I added some silverbeet, cheese and eggs to make home made sausage rolls 

Fresh out of the oven. They smell really good 

I also made the jam 
Three jars. That should do us for a while 
It will be yummy on hot buttered toast. 

I’ll have a little rest and finish cleaning the kitchen 
Then I’ll continue to work on hubbys jumper. I’ve just started the band. I’ve used half the yarn of the first jumper.  Definitely smaller. 

I now have enough of the blue to also make the sleeves 
I hope hubby will like it. I’m sure he will. He was prepared to wear the tent I made lol

Another sunny but cold winters day. 
You don’t mind the cold when the sky is blue and the sun is out  


  1. I made sausage rolls recently. They're so good, you reminded me. You turned pain into something productive, good for you.

  2. I bet the sausage rolls were delicious!

  3. Here I am doing catch up again - and seem to have missed that you have had another slip down the pain slope. I'm sorry to read that but very impressed with your progress on the reknitted jumper. My OH asked me to reknit two of the 4ply pullovers I made for him last year, having deemed them to baggy, and my word progress is slow on the second one. Rapidly losing interest 😏.
