Sunday, June 23, 2024

Winter food

Time for potatoes to go in. I’m planting in the other large garden this year. Hopefully we will have another good crop 

I’m calling these my bridgeton potatoes. I have red lady for pen’s  red hair 

And Nicola for the actress that plays here 

All planted and mulched 

I also planted mor cabbage, cauliflower and broccolini 

You can see hubby planting beetroot 
We also planted sweet peas and sugar snap peas 

The first planting is growing nicely. We only lost the first plantings of broccolini. 

The Swede is coming along. Once they’re a decent size bulb I’ll add them to stews and roasted 

Finally my lime. It will be planted out back in the little orchard. 

We were going along nicely but hubby had a mate drop in. 

I’m thinking the planting of the lime will be sometime this afternoon lol

The sun is shining and it’s not too cold now. It was perfect planting weather 


  1. Swede is something else I miss. I used to love it when I was young.
    You've got great variety. Lots of healthy meals to come

  2. It’s all so yummy and almost free
