Monday, June 3, 2024

Take two

I’ve cast on again 
This time just did a normal band for the neck. No faffing about doing increases 
Nice and simple. Have tried it on hubbys head and he can get it on 

Then I went down a needle size. I’m a lose knitter 
So that should help with sizing too 

Bella is keeping a close eye on me. I’m sure she’ll let me know if I go off script again 

Wish me luck 


  1. Cross fingers. Looking good . I'm sure you'll finish it quickly now and we will see a pic of hubby wearing it

  2. Changing needle size is a good idea..I always resented the time it took to do test squares...but regretted it when I didn't!!
    Looking forward to seeing the finished jumper..being modelled by your husband of course!

    1. I’m the same. Just want to get in and get going. Then we pay for our eagernesses

  3. Such patience, starting over. This time it will work.

    1. Don’t know about patience. I’d be making something so I guess re enforcing the lesson is never a waste of time

  4. Glad that Supervisor Bella is keeping a close eye on you this time!
