Saturday, June 29, 2024

Weekend work

Yesterday little abs come to play. As usual, but she had been feeling poorly 
So grandma set her up in the couch with a warm blanket to have her breakfast 

She had done medicine and started to feel better 

She was happy to sit back down to hand her lunch and then she started to read to Trixie. They really are so very cute together 

This morning was art and we have started a new painting. 

This time a more local scene taken during the recent Aurora   

We are having a polar blast at the moment so we really need to get more firewood from our pile. 
Hubby will split it and I’ll stack it into the cages we have. Then hubby will bring a full one to the house for us to use 

Living the simple life is hard work. But it keeps us busy and out of trouble lol 


  1. Simple isn't the same as easy. That little girl will remember grandma tucking her up on the sofa for breakfast. How lovely! And the obliging reading assistant.

  2. Lucky little girl to have such an attentive Grandma. She is very cute, specially reading to Trixie.
    A polar blast, shiver. The forklift and cage is such a good idea. Hauling firewood 🎣 s hard work

  3. Replies
    1. Yes you were. I’ll try to remember to check it regularly
