Thursday, August 4, 2022


I went out today to see the flock and feed them some greens. 
One of the white “hens” was looking a heap bigger than her sisters 

Sent off a pic to the breeder, with my suspicions 
And she had confirmed we have a white Roo! 

So she will be in the area early next week and will pick up the Rooster and when she has more hens ready to go I’ll be getting two new hens 

These things happen snd the breeder was so lovely 
She will swap one hen for the rooster and I’ll buy the second as introducing one chicken into the flock isn’t ideal 

We discussed what I would like and I’m going to get two different colours. 

If anyone ever wanted to buy chickens I’d very happily recommend my breeder  


  1. So it won't be roasted roo with potatoes 😂

    1. Not this time no. Because their pure breed they are a tad expensive so I’ll swap him for a her and buy a second her as well got to buy quality stock to breed

  2. Why can't you keep Roo? Other than he doesn't lay, of course.

    1. Two roosters with only a few hens will not only fight for the top job but the poor hens won’t get a peace Plus they are eating food that is now getting more and more expensive

    2. Thank you. I know little about chooks, obviously.

    3. There is no such thing as a silly question. That’s how we learn
