Saturday, June 15, 2024

Time flies

I can’t believe it’s the weekend again. Time truly has sped up 

Life in the nest  just keeps ticking away 
Hubby and I had our flu and Covid shots this week. Finally. We were both not well enough for ages 

Today we are having roast lamb from off the paddock. Not ours, a customer shared from his recent processed lambs 

I’ll also cook the last of the pumpkin our neighbour gave us from his garden and a couple of potatoes from the supermarket 

The weather has turned really cold, with us having the coldest June day in a long time 

So I’m inside knitting away keeping an eye on our fire 

Between the fire  and the oven it’s lovely and warm in here 

Hope your all having nice weather, or if not, your safe and snug in your homes 


  1. Its cold here in Adelaide too, and we have at last had some rain! I would love to be sitting by an open fire but will have to wait for another caravan trip and a campfire.

  2. It is cooler here today. I've baked some fish without suffering heat shock. The seasons roll on. Almost midsummer

  3. We're seasonally warm, 80s f, except for a wild storm yesterday which blew the neighbor's sun umbrella clean over the fence.
