Friday, July 7, 2023

Friends and family

Yesterday caro dropped in with her adorable little granddaughter for a quick visit
And to drop off some quilting books and paraphernalia 

It’s a lovely little bundle of treasure and I’m going to make sure I make good use of it.  
It was nice to have a chat and get a few worries off my chest. It helped me so much 
A problem shared is a problem halved and it’s never as bad once spoken out loud as it seem in 
The quiet of your mind. 
Thank you so much 

Today is ana and grandma day but her mummy took the day off To give grandma another days recovery time 
They came over this morning and we took off to town for morning tea and a little bit of shopping 
Ana was quiet at first but was soon her adorable self. 

I do feel better. This morning I woke up at the normal time 
So I’m very sure next Friday I’ll be ready to have Ana all day 

The visits have help brighten my mood 
And to remember to celebrate the blessings in your life. 
And I am very blessed indeed 


  1. Good to read that order is gradually being restored to your world

  2. I can't wait to see what you do with some of those patterns! Glad you're feeling better x
