Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Getting help.

After lifting the heavy bags of organic blood and bone. And dynamite lifter I was too sore to finish topping up the asparagus garden  so hubby told me he would do it today. 

We let the chickens out to free range. I bought some day old bread and it’s lasted over a week. We only give them a little everyday 

Once we topped up with compost mix we mulched with organic sugar cane mulch 

Hopefully we will get some nice big fat spears to eat this year 

While hubby was filling the wheelbarrow I checked for eggs and noticed the coop needed cleaning. So I raked out most of the old bedding. Hubby had to do under the perches. 

And new clean bedding has been added 
Nice and thick to keep the girls, and pendles the rooster, nice and warm 

The wild ducks are quite used to us and now come up for some bread too. They were here last year and remember the drill 

I harvested the sugar snap peas. And peas. Not really enough for a meal so we might just snack on them later tonight. They’re very yummy just fresh 

I may have had some while out there lol 

And look what I found. One lonely little pumpkin 
I’ll go back out later and bring him in 

So a few things ticked off the list. 
With help it all gets done rather quickly and it’s actually fun rather than a chore 


  1. I had a huge feed of fresh peas in the shell a couple of weeks ago that I bought at the farmers market. That's the only way I enjoy eating peas. Cooked? Yuck!

    1. I love peas anyway I can. Get them. But fresh is best

  2. Yum. I wonder if the peas I planted in the old place produced anything.

    1. I hope the new owners appreciate the free fresh from the garden veggies

  3. Aman girl. You're a hard worker !! So many rewards though, fresh eggs from other happy girls lol
    Eating fresh peas reminds me of my childhood, picking peas, podding and enjoying those young peas

    1. It was all spaced out so it wasn’t really hard work. And I had help
      The peas were shelled and added to the dinner I made. It was really yummy. All from the garden

  4. I like that the wild ducks get into the picture, not missing out.

    1. They have been coming back a few years now. We are old friends I love seeing them every year. And they always have lots of babies

  5. F is very envious of your had a really busy time out there but the chickens will thank you with eggs we hope.
