Friday, December 8, 2023

A perfect day

Friday began as usual with Ana arriving first thing this morning 

But today after breakfast we went to visit Dianne and her granddaughters 

The girls showed Ana all the Christmas decorations and brought out so many toys for her to play with 

Such lovely little girls and Ana had a great time 

We got home in time for her nap 
Grandma had a nap on the couch too. And needed it because later grandma and grandpa went off to Brianna’s kindergarten Graduation 

They performed three  songs and then donned their cap and gowns to receive their certificate 

Look how grown up she looks 

Grandma and Melody taking a selfie together 

Seeing all three of my beautiful girls today 
One blessed and very happy grandma am I 


  1. May you live long, as they say in Greece, attend all their graduations and dance at their weddings. Lovely photos!

  2. Lovely kid filled day! Congratulations to the kindergarten graduate.

  3. All three in one day. That was a special day.
