Thursday, December 21, 2023


A blessed Litha to all in the Southern Hemisphere 

And to those in the northern hemisphere 
A happy Yule. 
May we all be blessed 


  1. Happy midsummer! Hard to believe here, all warm under a blanket on the sofa.

    1. It’s so bizarre. All over the internet it’s all about cold wintery Christmas. But we have a warm, sometimes very hot Christmas days

  2. Replies
    1. But now they get warmer. We will get our summer finally

  3. Happy Summer Solstice! Enjoy the longest day of the year!

  4. Thank you. I actually look forward to winter and short days. I prefer the cooler weather

  5. Blessed Litha to you and a blessed Yule to us. Much as I love the colder months I shall be celebrating the days getting just a little longer.
    When I've been out walking I've kept my eyes open for a Yule log. You're not supposed to choose it, it chooses you. But there aren't any stray logs that I've found along the side of the road anyway.
    I want to burn it on Xmas eve. Must go and Google and refresh my memory
