Monday, December 11, 2023

Storm damage

My poor gladioli ate looking very sad. Laying over from the wind and rain 

Even the red which hasn’t fully bloomed is starting to lay down 

While talking on messenger to my friend, Shirley. She suggested I just cut them and bring them inside 

So that’s what I did. 
I don’t have a vase so this passata jar will do 

I’ll bring in and replace the dead flowers as the need 
So very pretty 
Little thing make me happy 

Meanwhile. The rain can now move on to where it’s needed please. We have had enough 

So mote it be 


  1. Those glads are beautiful. Nothing wrong with bringing flowers inside to brighten the house. Not that yours needs any more brightening!

    1. I do love them. But I like to leave them out there for the bees
      Still there are plenty of others for the bees to visit

  2. Replies
    1. They do. Pity they don’t have a smell to match their beauty

  3. Sometimes that's the best option, just enjoy them as cut flowers. They're lovely.

  4. Dame Edna's fav. RIP. Your pink whirling butterflies looks good too.

    1. I thought I had lost them when the nasturtiums grew all over them. But I cut them right back and they have bounced back brilliantly.
      That might be the secret. Hard pruning

  5. I prefer to leave flowers in their natural environment too but you had not choice. The brilliant colours are lovely

    1. Love all the colours they come in. I got the bulbs from the cheap shop, here called the reject shop, I’ll definitely keep an eye open for more

  6. Beautiful glads. I couldn't image glads in December. It slightly below freezing here.
