Sunday, December 10, 2023

Farm day

I let the chickens out this morning. Gave them their breakfast and then got a surprise 

One of the steers was in the back. I had no idea his he got in but he definitely did not belong in here 

As you can see. All domestic and wildlife get on at our place. Love and light y’all 

Turns out. Brisket, yes that’s his name, had just decided to go through the wire fence. Hubby had fixed it now 

We put up the electrical fence and both steers are now in here  the are not allowed in the section with the chicken coop and dam because they will damage them 

Hopefully the hot wire will keep them confined

I’ve taken a short video so you can hear the sound of the frogs. 

Someone mentioned frog sounds. So here are my frogs 

Hopefully one of the links works for you 


  1. You have had a lot of rain. That ground is so wet.
    Naughty Brisket.

  2. You have a dark sense of humor!

  3. He looks very calm. Just doing what they do, being inquisitive, testing the grass on the other side of the fence (he'd heard it was always greener).

    1. He obviously just wanted to get with the chickens. The sheep and alpacas just were too boring

  4. Listen to all those sounds!! What a great little video. Your frogs are loud!! They speak a different language down under lol

    1. They get even louder in the evenings. But I love the sounds so that’s ok. Music to sleep by
