Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Harvested these this morning
There are still more to bring in. But I can’t twist to get in to get them. So I’ll send hubby out to do that 

Beans are growing 


Spaghetti squash. They’re in big pots and the fruit is on the ground. This was the best shot I could get without bending 

Baby ears of corn 

Little green tomatoes 

Baby cucumbers 

And eggplant flowers 
Or if you prefer. Aubergine   

After all that rain we had. I didn’t bother watering. But the wicking beds were dry. So I’ve topped them up 
And gave the big pots a good watering 

Looking forward to eating fresh from the garden and preserving for later use. 
The never ending cycle of food production 


  1. I am impressed. I have zucchinis but they seem to be rotting on the vine. Too much rain, maybe. The beans are flowering and I have tomatoes which may or may not ripen!

  2. Ftoo ftoo ftoo. Those vegetables are magnificent.

  3. It doesn’t seem that long since you were gathering strawberries with little Anna. Things are looking good for harvest time

  4. Mary, Mary, quite contrary
    How does your garden grow?
    With silver bells and cockleshells
    And pretty maids all in a row

    Looking most excellent in fact.

    1. Oh it’s been a long time since I heard that rhyme. Lol
      Thank you

  5. What a cheerful hubbub of veggies! Lovely harvest coming soon.
