Thursday, December 7, 2023


This year I’m making gifts for friends. 
Quite a few are crafty so they appreciate the time and effort it takes to create a one of a kind gift 

This one has been delivered   It’s for my beautiful friend who ,enables, I mean helps me with the decorations every year 

I made the box from picture frames and I even made the ribbon bow 

I made a few of these last year. I knew they weren’t for me. But it wasn’t until this year that I thought ohh I know who would like these 

Do you do that? Make something you know isn’t for you but at the time you think well I’ll figure out who I’m
Making these for eventually lol 

Yesterday’s effort 
For a couple who we don’t catch up
With as much as we would like too 
But we always have lots of laughs with when we do 

I started crocheting this dress. Hopefully it will fit Ana. if not will be passed on to someone I know who has little granddaughters 

I’m slowing down so that I can have the energy needed to survive the next few weeks 

Thankfully I’m pretty much done and ready now for the hectic madness to begin 

What about you? Are you ready?


  1. I often start something before I know its destination. Our Christmas plans are very low key by design.

  2. Somtimes you just have to make something because it needs to be made.
    When I do Christmas again I might have a go at the box. It is gorgeous.
    As is the dress for Ana. What a lovely design.

  3. All three handcrafted items are gorgeous!

  4. There have been times in my life when I've wished I had a few crafted things in reserve (like now), but mostly I make with someone specific in mind.

  5. I meant to go on to say you have a fabulous range of skills.

  6. All gorgeous. You not only can turn your hand to any craft but you have good taste as well.

  7. Thank you all for your lovely comments.
    I blame Pinterest and you tube. Between those two apps You can find anything and everything I’m a see and do learner. And that makes it perfect for me.
