Saturday, December 2, 2023

Progress pictures

We have had rain 
Lots and lots of rain 
Which is lovely for the veggies. Not so much for doing lots out in the garden 
I have been going out and pulling weeds when I see them but the ground is just too wet now 

Thankfully most of my food is grown in raised beds and containers so they’re ok from flooding 

Everything is growing well and looking lush 

The corn particularly seems to have just gone gang busters. 

I was worried the seeds I’d sown would have drowned. But checking today I can see babies 

The flowers are still looking great 

Hubby has netted the apricot tree. It’s full of fruit and now we might actually get some 

The ground is really wet. Big puddles everywhere 

We have sandy soil which means it will drain away quickly. Once it stops raining 

These are my gardenia and Daphne plants. They just were not handling all the bad weather. I thought they were sheltered but obviously not. So they are now under the front porch and will be looked after and nurtured back. Hopefully 
Right now they just need to dry out a bit 

Wonderful hubby weeded the orchard. Put down carboard and mulched working  in  the the rain. He said it made it all easier. I’m not convinced. But he was happy to do it and it looks awesome 

With all the rain these trees should have nice deep roots for the coming hot summer.  It will come regardless of how wet it is now  

The silver lining is the ground will be soaked and should take weeks and weeks of hot weather to totally dry out. 
Our tank is full to brimming and the little dam has been topped up 

Over at the farm there’s a flood warning. We don’t mind. There isn’t anything there right now. So all it means is the dams will be really really full. 

It is nice to see it all looking so green. I should be harvesting again soon 


  1. You have a cheerful attitude of looking at the advantage of all the rain. I suppose if you've experienced droughts you know how to appreciate even too much rain.

    1. I think if you do any kind of “farming” you have to have a positive spin. Or it will just get you down too much

  2. Everything looks so green and lush! Enjoy those apricots!

    1. Hopefully I’ll have enough so some home made jam

  3. Your vegetables are so lush and the whole garden so green! It's wonderful. You're right about that heat that's to come. Enjoy it all now and send us more photos!!

    1. Soon I’ll be complaining there’s too many to process lol

  4. How have the animals coped with the rain or are you stockless at the moment?

    1. The animals here are ok. At the farm we don’t have my stock on there as yet
      We need to do some prep work first

  5. As you say that will have set you up well for the rest of summer. Have you ever heard this peom ?

    1. No I’ve not hear it. But it’s pretty spot on.
      There are those that will see the ruination in everything. While other will see the blessings Definitely an Aussie poem thank you for sharing it
