Monday, February 5, 2024

Sudden change

Today the temperature is way cooler than yesterday. 
And we have had rain 
The sudden drop has triggered a fibromyalgia flare 

I didn’t swim this morning as I’m so very tired. 
I’ve been sleeping long hours during the night and having naps during the day. 

Not at all like me. But I’m listening to my body and doing exactly what it wants  that is  best and quickest way out of the flare 

I’m continuing work on my squares. 
Today it’s all about stripes. I’ve been Waiting ages to wear my new tights 

Just hope no one drops a house on me

Enjoy doing what you love and keep well 


  1. Gorgeous tights! The weather really has changed. They'll keep you nice and warm
    They remind me of striped stockings we wore in the 60s and 70s . Bright stripes were 'in' and crocheted granny square vests!

    1. I love that fashion. I was born in 67 so it’s in my DNA.
      Maybe I’ll crochet some vests for me. Or the girls!

  2. Oh yes, was it ever cool. Such a change after yesterday’s heat. My asthma doesn’t like it and I’ve been ‘chesty’ all day
    Looking at your tights makes me think of ‘Where’s Wally’ and ‘Cat in the Hat’ but one had a striped shirt and the other a striped hat.
    You have an original look there definitely!

    1. I’ve always loved stripped socks. So when I saw the tights I had to have them
      I love funky tights too

  3. I love those tights!
    Look after yourself.

  4. Great tights! Cheering to see as you live through the flare. Damn weather.

  5. You would certainly be noticed in those. In sailing (as in navigational marks) a red and black striped mark is an 'isolated danger'. I hope it all improves really soon.

  6. I think my comment may be in spam.
