Wednesday, February 14, 2024


I don’t know how long the internet lasts. Still hand no power and out telephone system hasn’t been working. So I can’t get online. 
We have our generators keeping our fridges and freezers working 
The damage had been significant and there are still hundreds of thousands of homes with no power. 

For now we are all ok 
I’m get back to your blogs when I can 
Stay safe 


  1. YOU stay safe!! Thank goodness for generators.

  2. Sorry to hear you’re still without power. I heard that if people take their ‘gadgets’ and chargers to local libraries (well those who have power) they are being allowed to charge for free. Also you can use their internet. Good job you have your wood stove to keep you warm now the weather’s gone cool.

  3. crikey real emergency response stuff - good thing you have a lot of self-sufficiency built into your life style (and thank goodness for generators). Hope power networks get restored really soon.

  4. Thank you for posting. I'm hoping all of you stay safe.
