Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Hello winter

It’s wet and cold today. 
Expected top of 16 deg cel. 
There is even snow on some mountains 

After a productive day yesterday I’ll be taking it easy today. 
With the fire going keeping us warm 

Only 6 1/2 squares to go 


  1. Nice warm snuggly fire sounds good. Wishing you a wonderful winter.

  2. Glorious sunshine here at the moment. I guess we will get your bleak weather, soon.

  3. Definitely a cold one today - we had rain earlier, then sun (ate lunch on the deck) then it went away. That’s it for summer I think 😊

  4. I always love the first fires. The house is so cosy and warm. Then I remember I have a winter of cleaning ashes and hauling wood.
    Still it's comforting when it's cold and wet outside!

  5. Oh dear your photos did manage to make that all look VERY bleak!
