Monday, May 15, 2023

Sunshine ships and sailors

The day started very foggy and cold. But by lunchtime the sun had come out and it was warm. 

We ventured out to enjoy our lunch and warm our bones. While sitting we saw this boat. When my kids were younger we watched horrible histories on the TV. 

So off we went and bought tickets 

We sailed down the Thames learning it’s history in a fun and enjoyable way. 
The two men who were playing a history teacher and his pupil. Were informative and very entertaining 

There were lots of monuments to see and learn about. 
They told us all about the bridges. 

We learnt about Guy Fawkes and what happened to him

About sir Frances drakes ship and why they now have a replica on show. 

The pub where mr christian and captain Bligh had their last drinks before heading off on the bounty 

And all about pirates. 

It was full of information. 
We laughed and we sang. What do we do with the drunken sailor 

Best of all we got some wonderful vitamin D 

Tonight we have our welcome dinner with Trafalgar 
And tomorrow we are off to Stonehenge 


  1. We did one of those Thames river tours too but I don't remember learning all that neat info! And Stonehenge tomorrow -- that's exciting! It's been 14 years since I was there. I know they've changed the highway and the entrance now, but I imagine Stonehenge itself is still the same, LOL!

  2. What a trip! And with laughter and song. And Stonehenge tomorrow. It just gets better and better
    You worked out the best of programmes

  3. Tourists often see more than locals of a country! Enjoy your tour.

  4. Sounds wonderful.
    I remember seeing Stonehenge back in the 60s. It wasn't protected then and you just parked in some random field and wandered around the stones and could touch them and really get a feel for the place. Hardly anyone was there. It was magic. There is something very special about them. I hope you get a sense of it.

  5. There is so much history. It's a great Old Father to London. We used to take part in treasure hunt sort of sailing on the lower Thames where we had to use good observation to find the answers to clues and riddles along the shorelines and on buildings et that line the Thames.
