Friday, as usual, was AB’s day.
Here are the terrible twins relaxing in the air conditioned home as it was very warm outside
We did venture outside to pick strawberries and tomatoes
There a few strawberries that were consumed right at the veggie patch. Got to decrease those good miles lol
And the tomomostly went into the big bowl.
Ana loved them so much she wanted done to munch on while watching bluey

When her daddy finished work and too her home we packed the van and headed off again.
When her daddy finished work and too her home we packed the van and headed off again.
This is the last weekend I don’t have art class so we took advantage and spent the weekend at the farm
It was very warm in the afternoon. So trixie and I sat in the van with the air conditioner going
She had spent und morning in the tractor cab with hubby while he slashed more paddocks
We are trying to mow down as many of the weeds snd bracken to try and get the paddocks back to just nice green grass

The sunset was beautiful watching it from the bed

We are home now.
The sunset was beautiful watching it from the bed
We are home now.
Chickens are out and have been fed
Cats have been given wet food. Dry food alone wasn’t enough for them and acted like they have been starving even though we really were only gone one day
And teddy was given lots of love.
He doesn’t like the car at all so stays at home
He’s old and set in his way
Again he was left with lots of dry food and water
Next week art class starts again. Do it will be a while before we can spend the whole weekend away.
Hubby might go down to keep slashing the paddocks. But I’ll stay home Until the weather cools again anyway I don’t do hot at all
Nothing like a nice nap in the air conditioning!
ReplyDeleteI hadn’t actually turn it on as yet. It wasn’t too bad. It got hotter during the late afternoon. We really needed it on by then
DeleteI love the photo of those terrible twins. They look so comfortable together.
ReplyDeleteAnd that little fist full of tomatoes 😊
You bed cover looks gorgeous
Now ana is getting older she’s happy to watch television. Before this this it was on but she didn’t sit to watch kinda played while listening to the songs.
DeleteShe really loved the home grown tomatoes. Grandma will plant more next year
Thank you. It’s the one that took me over a year to make Worth it