Sunday, October 8, 2023

Ana time

Friday as usual was ana day. 
She was bubbly and chatty all day. 
We played and sang songs and watched telly tubbies 
So much telly tubbies 

Here she is eating some pecans. 
She will try anything and usually loves it. 
I won’t tell her parents that that changes in the future 

The. Saturday afternoon ana was dropped off by her parentals 
They were going out and she was having a sleep over with grandma and grandpa 

Dinner was chicken and veggies. 
Raspberries for dessert
And rice crispies with a yogurt  top 

After dinner we cleaned up and watched 
Telly tubbies. 
Again and again and again

Soon it was time for pjs and she wanted to watch 
Cocmellon abc song. 
So we watched lots of YouTube’s children’s songs until it was time for bed 

We only had one moment when I think she got cold. Grandma covered her up
Turned on the heating and all was good again for the rest of the night. 
It’s now eight thirty in the morning and Ana is still sound asleep 

Grandma is exhausted as she didn’t sleep all night listen for any crying or calling out 

Hopefully ana will wake for breakfast before her parent arrive to pick her up 
Then I have to make myself look presentable as we are meeting friends for lunch 

Although I’m tired. I love having the little ones come visit over night 
Precious memories to keep in my heart  


  1. You sound like an ideal grandma!

    1. Thank you. I’m just an ordinary grandma really

  2. No one will blame you if any of the Telly Tubbies, or all of them, get murdered.

  3. Cocomelon AAAAARRRRGGGGH!!!!!!!!
    We never sleep well when we have a little one staying. You can make up for it later but the joy of having them is just too great to pass up.

    1. Sounds like you know coco Melon well.
      I feel your pain lol

  4. Telly tubbies again again and again. Oh boy that brings back memories . And kids are still watching and living them. I saw them so many times I can still sing the theme song!!
    Go Granny go 😄

    1. Once you start singing it you can’t stop.
      She’s also into the alphabet song sings it all day long.
