Sunday, October 15, 2023

Girlie days

Friday as usual was Ana day. We spent the morning eating, reading books, eating, watching telly tubbies,eating, watching in the night garden and Finally  sleep. 

She was pretty adamant that she didn’t want sleep. But went down without a fuss and slept for four hours!

Saturday we got up early and headed off to vote in the referendum 

I then went to art for an hour of relaxing therapy. 

Got home to prepare for the arrival of the older girls sleep over. 

Melody brought her knitting. I had to pull some out as she had dropped a stitch. But we made real progress 

Melody offered to help me take out all the pins in my quilt. 
She has asked to be taught how to sew now. 

The girls played until bedtime and slept all night. 
They got up this Morning and played in the toy room until grandma was able to get up and get them organised. 

Grandpa cooked breakfast and afterwards we ventured outside to pat the steers 

The girls helped plant some seedling. I had to move them as slugs were eating them 

Brianna helping plant spaghetti squash 

Melody helped plant cucumbers 

Here they are relaxing with Trixie enjoying all the attention 

They have gone home now. The house is suddenly very quiet 

It’s lovely having all my girls here 


  1. Melody is definitely on track to follow you into crafting. That knitting looks pretty good.

  2. How lovely to be able to pass down such a wonderful gift. Some magical times ahead for you, my friend.

  3. Very special times. Kids have grown since I was in blogland.

  4. Stunning piece of knitting - chip off the block going on there.
