Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday. Half way through the week

The weeks are flying past. I just never remember what day it is anymore 

Yesterday hubby said I didn’t leave enough weeds to make spraying worth it. So we pulled out the rest 
Me bad lol 

Pots were topped up with organic compost 
Once they settle down I’ll mulch and they’re done 

This morning we woke up to thick fog 

You can see the sun trying to shine through 

Once the fog was gone it turned out to be a beautiful day 

I hung a big load of washing outside and decided to pin the quilt together 

I then quilted it. Nothing fancy. Just two straight lines one either side of every seam 

I now have to take all the pins out.  Trim it and sew on the binding. 

But that’s for another day 

After all that pining and sewing my back was aching so I’ve had a hot bath and will now spend the rest of the afternoon crocheting 

In between cooking dinner and putting the washing away 

Small victories are still victories in


  1. I do love your tea towel quilts. Such a great way to use them.

  2. Is this one for the van . . or the back of your couch? Looks good!

    1. Another for the van I guess. I’ll just make them all and see where they’re needed
