Sunday, October 1, 2023


I’m so happy today. I’m sending you all flowers from my garden 

Flowers from the front of my house 

And some from the back 

A yellow iris. I’ve seen one before 
This was a mixed bag of iris bulbs. I’ve had white and purple flowers but this is the first yellow. 

So many pretty flowers are blooming right now 
A lovely time of year 


  1. A gorgeous array of flowers once more. Such wonderful colours. Our roses lasted all through the heat of the summer and are still flowering. Amazing. Love the photo of the nasturtiums. Mine are just returning. None of those bright orange flowers yet

    1. I didn’t take pics of the deep red ones maybe next time.
      Unless the heat kills them. We are expecting high temp’s in the coming weeks

  2. What a great parade of flowers! Wild iris are yellow, so maybe one got in there.

    1. I didn’t know that. I’ve only ever thought they were purple so even the white ones were a pleasant surprise. I doubt wild ones would be in the mix. These come from a big farm I’d say this is how they get more sales make a mix of all the colours and then you go back to get more of the colours you like
      Doesn’t matter. They’re all pretty

  3. So gorgeous! I've never seen a bright yellow iris like that before.

    1. First time for me too. It was a lovely surprise

  4. Just gorgeous, Angela.
    I really miss my roses. Thank you for sharing yours.

  5. Wow your flowers must start early in the Spring - what a great selection of colours and shapes. Pity we can't transmit scent too.
