Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A sale

The quilt shop I mainly get my fabrics from had a sale 
If you took whatever material was on the bolt you got 25% off 

Well I can’t resist a temptation like that. 
So off I went,  I needed some fabric for my stash as I had dwindled it during the lockdowns 

I emptied five bolts of fabric 
Bought a pre cut runner pattern 
Some more thread and 
Yet more fat quarters, but look pretty pinks!

This is a link to their website 
If your in the area or want to do a phone order the ladies there are lovely and will help you 

I love me a good bargain and buying pretties always makes me happy 


  1. Replies
    1. They have so many pretties
      You’ll love it

  2. I never heard of 25% off of bolt that one takes it all. I've heard of 10% off.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. We have great sales here in Australia 😉

  3. You must have had a lot of fun doing all that fabric shopping. Now you can sit and admire it all 🙂

    1. Oh yes. I love to sit and admire it all
      That’s how you get the creative ideas of what to make with it all
