Sunday, January 1, 2023

New year

Happy new year to all. 
The slate is clean and we get to all start again. 

It’s very hot so I stayed inside and worked on my socks. Coming along nicely 

The chicks are getting big and have outgrown this little enclosure. 
I mention to hubby, last night, we needed a chicken tractor to grow them out in. 

Well this morning on market place one came up for sale 
And only ten minutes from here 

So off we went and picked it up. 
Hubby has cleaned it and replaced the wheels. Other than that it’s perfect 

So it’s under the willow tree out back. 
We might relocate the chicks later tonight or tomorrow morning. 
I’m confident they’ll love the room and fresh grass 

So the year has started well. 
The abundance of the universe has provided once again 


  1. The socks are coming along very nicely! And I often have the same experience, when I need something and I commit to second hand, somehow miraculously it happens!

    1. And it was easier and cheaper than making it ourselves
      It’s exactly what I wanted.

  2. Happy New Year! I hope the chicks enjoy the chicken tractor!

    1. They’re definitely enjoying the larger play area

  3. We wondered if chicken tractor was a typo until we saw the picture. Ooohhhh now we get it. Fresh patch every day. That sock is growing well too. Happy New Year.

    1. Hubby is going to have to hitch it to the ride on mower. It’s that heavy
