Sunday, April 16, 2023

Greek Easter

Yesterday I did the baking for todays Easter celebration 
As usual more food that was actually needed. 

I left all the food at my sisters for everyone to enjoy she will make up doggie bags for everyone to Take  home

Meanwhile I’m on the home stretch with the blanket. Last round on the envelope border 

I’ll happily put this aside and find a brand new project to start 

So that was the Easter season for 2023 
I’m glad it’s only two weekends a year lol 


  1. The food looked good! Hope you enjoyed the day...LOVE the blanket!

    1. It was all yummy and as always too much of it.
      Blanket is now finally finished.

  2. We just finished our celebration. So much lamb left over and pork kontosouvli and kokoretsi. Thank goodness the girls took 2 packets of meat for friends.
    It was a good day though. Loads of very loud bangs going off all day. They have certainly got rid of any evil spirits around here

    1. Thankfully we don’t do the loud bangs.
      My head was pounding enough after all the noise of people talking and children playing. Not a fan of loud noises any more.

  3. Oh, you celebrate the Orthodox holidays, do you? Are you of Greek heritage? Here on the Canadian prairies, we call the Orthodox holidays Ukrainian Christmas and Ukrainian Easter, because our largest Orthodox group are Ukrainians. We have Greek descendants too but not as many as Ukrainians. A lot of Greek immigrants went to Ontario and Toronto instead.

  4. Glad a good time was had by all. Have you ever considered making tsoureki ice cream with left over? F tried it by accident last year when she had forgotten what tsoureki was.... not her favorite ice cream ever. Weird in fact!
