Saturday, April 29, 2023

Time flies

Another week has ended. 
Once again Ana arrived to spend the day with grandma. 
She’s growing so fast. And she’s such a little chatter box now. Just like her daddy was, still is! 

It’s been warm, very warm here for the last week, so I decided the veggies needed a drink. 
All wicking beds were almost empty 

As you can see we had a puddle of water after watering the pots and it was perfect for playing in lol 
I called her name as she had her back to me and this is the face I got. 
Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth 

Unfortunately as soon as I had turned off the tap it started to rain 
I was like seriously. Doesn’t really matter I guess. At least we had a nice half an hour outside 

Then inside to have lunch and watch some telly tubbies 

Mummy and daddy had a date night. So Ana stayed with us until late. 
After dinner we cleaned up and put on our pjs. Sitting here with grandpa 

She did go to bed and slept for a couple of hours but woke up about twenty minutes before 
Her parents arrived to take her home. 

I’ve only got one more ana day before I fly away 
At this rate all the girls will be adults when I get back! 

Ticking off the to do list 
Tickets have been picked up 
A new coat has been purchased, as apparently it’s still very cold in London. 

Feeling like I’m organised. Knowing that I can’t possibly be. 
Wondering what I’m forgetting. 
All part of the experience I guess 


  1. Some time I can be chatterbox.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Nothing wrong with being a chatter box I have to admit my son gets it’s from me lol

  2. They have shops where you are going. Just remember the things you can't replace like your medications and you will be fine.

    1. Medications have been purchased today.
      Another big ✅ off the todo list

  3. It's exciting that your trip is getting so close! Pack light!

  4. I love England and came close to seeing her but got derailed to Germany and Switzerland, instead...I could kick myself!
    Have a wonderful time!
    Don't forget mask and gloves? I don't know if they still insist on people masking up?

  5. PS- I MEANT to add your Ana is Adorable!!

  6. Love Ana and that huge pot!! Oh and Teletubbies! They go back a looong way. Always a kids favourite.
    Your trip is coming up so fast. You sound very organized!
