Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday holiday

We have a public holiday today. Our football grand final is tomorrow so we all get the day off today to prepare 

Me well I started on the rose garden   Those reefs are very annoying 

I cut them down and pored salt all over the fresh wound 
Hopefully some of them will die or I might have to resort to poison 

There were also normal weeds which I just pulled out 

Hubby arrived and helped me finish the job it looks so much nicer. 
As you can see it’s a beautiful sunny day   Perfect for spending time outside 

The potatoes I planted a few weeks ago have started to come up. Might get a decent crop this year 

And just because. My lilac is flowering. It smells wonderful 

We are both sore now so I guess we are done for the day 

Hubby finished cleaning the concrete with the pressure cleaner and it all looks fantastic now 

So another job has been ticked off as done 

It’s never ending when you have lots of space. 


  1. I love lilacs! And your wee lilac bush is just covered!

  2. I love lilac. There's a bush close to my house, and the scent drifts up to my bedroom. It does look lovely just now. Yes, more area, more work!

    1. I wish I knew someone with the dark purple lilac I’d love to try and strike cuttings.
      They smell so good

  3. I would love to smell the lilac. All looks great. Hope you did finally get rid of the reefs. Though I'm not sure what they are

    1. That was supposed to be reeds. I was very tired when I wrote the post lol

    2. I love your garden. And the lilacs are beautiful. My gardenia should come into bloom by Sunday. The put out such a good stink. My tomatoes are getting better at growing since the heat has tapered off a bit. I have two buckets that I planted sweet potatoes in and they along with the morning glories are vining all over the place and trying to strangle the tomatoes. Those three need to resolve their differences.

    3. Hopefully my little tomato seedlings will get big enough to transfer into the garden beds soon.
      Sounds like a very fruitful season for you
